Small Groups

"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them" - Jesus 

Matthew 18:20
Small groups are a vital part of FCC; they allow us to connect, receive, and contribute by ministering more personally within our Church Community. They carry an informal, comfortable setting with a short time to hear from the group leader than a time to talk about the content. There are no super Christians in these small groups! Everyone attending is from all different walks of life. If you are attending FCC and want to grow your relationship with God. Small groups are another part of that journey.

Spring Small Groups

Flourish Women's  Book/Bible Study

“I Surrender All”
Co-Leaders: Cyndi Aucoin and Sharon Senechal 
We will meet on Saturday mornings off campus from 10 -12 for 8 weeks.
On the following dates beginning: 3/15,  3/22,  3/29,  4/12,  4/29,  4/26,  5/10, and  5/17
Signup Today >  Limited capacity – 8 Ladies
Purchasing the book is required.
“I Surrender All”  by Priscilla Shirer - Amazon Link 
This Small Group is FULL

Identity In Christ 

This small group will explore a mystery that was hidden for ages and generations. What is the mystery?  “God wanted His people throughout the world to know the glorious riches of this mystery - Which is Christ living in you - Giving you the hope of sharing in His glory.”  (Colossians 1:27)  Join the small group as we unravel the mystery of Christ living in us and explore who we are in Christ, what we have because of our identity in Christ and what we can do because of our identity in Christ.
We meet weekly, April 23 - June 11 on Wednesday at 7:15 pm on Campus.
Sign up Today!

Organic Discipleship 

Grow spiritually and engage the world with the Good News of Jesus.
In Organic Discipleship you will learn the seven markers of spiritual maturity, showing how simple shifts in our Bible reading, prayer, community life, giving, service, and other biblical practices can connect us with God's work of reaching people with his love.
In this small group you will identify where you are in your growth journey and learn how to take the next step toward spiritual maturity. Uniting  evangelism and discipleship, the Organic Disciples  helps you better grasp how God's plan for our spiritual growth is intimately connected to his mission to the world.
Our pastoral staff will lead the sessions.
We meet weekly, April 23 - June 11 on Wednesday at 7:15 pm on Campus.
Sign up Today!

Monthly Small Groups

Woman's  Prayer 

Prayer is more than just looking up to the heavens.  It begins in us first!  True Prayer is relational and should be a part of who we are as Christians.  We will explore different positions in Prayer and how to make it a part of our daily lives.  Flourish meets monthly on Saturday morning at 10 am on campus. 
Sign up Today!

Hope on The Horizon 

This support group is for anyone who has loss a loved one recently. You will find a safe space to share, listen, and BE present as we talk about the journey we are on. There is no signup, no big agenda or program, but God's leading to help us connect. We meet on the 1st  Sunday of the month right after service in the FCC office.
Sign up Today!

Sign up for a Small Group