Welcome to Momentum
We are excited that you have it on your heart to be part of our church community. Welcome to your first stop along the way.
Momentum is all about moving forward, and truly God’s desire for us is to continually move forward.
You will see that the church is not a building, but it is made up of people with a sincere desire to follow Jesus, love each other, reach the lost, and make disciples.
Allow the Lord to use Momentum as one of the avenues by which you can move forward in following Christ.
How to get started:
1. View the introductory video on this page.
2. Fill out the form below to officially register.
3. You will receive a link to a page with 4 videos.
4. Make sure that you watch the videos prior to Sunday, May 18, 2025.
This will allow you to learn more about us.
5. Attend our “live” Momentum session with FCC’s pastoral staff during service on Sunday, May 18, 2025.
This will be our opportunity to learn more about you.